I think I’m losing my mind

I have no idea what I’m am going to do. In these few days it has been decided that school is canceled until Fall and that starting March 28, 2020 the city of Mobile is shutting down and there is a curfew set for 5:00 pm and if caught outside past curfew you will be fined. I find this to be a problem I have not had a haircut in so long I’m contemplating on cutting my dreadlocks. Yes, it has gotten that bad. I have also been working and I hate my job it is miserable working fast food I want to work at Walmart  or Winn-Dixie, but I don’t think it matters at this point because we are on lockdown and can’t go anywhere’s so I don’t see the point in finding a new job but that shall not stop me from attempting to find a new job. I have also came across FOREX which is basically the foreign exchange market and I think going to invest in it because the stock market has plummeted tremendously. I also have to start doing my AP College board work because I forgot my password but I made a new password so now I can do my work but all and all I think I’m doing okay in quarantine.

P.S not 


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