Day 4 of quarantine

Well my week has been ok for the first week of quarantine. Today I was scheduled to work 11:00am to 4:00 pm at Stake N Shake. So I show up to work on time as always and we’re not busy as usually due to the fact that COVOID-19 has made its way from China to “Sweet Home Alabama” the entire city is one high alert and majority of fast food restaurants have closed off their dining room areas and customer are mainly using drive-thru. So I we were extremely slow today and my general manger had to find busy work for all of the associates and everyone was cleaning and scrubbing from the walls to the ceilings and I was just there minding my business and it clicked in my head that it sort of looks bad that my Caucasian general manger is making me an African-American associate scrub the walls and ceiling. Im just saying that it made me think about my ancestors and how they must be scowling at me from the great beyond. Anyways, I was happy cause around 2:00 one of my coworkers who also make milkshakes was coming in and I got to go home early and on my way out I said “Woohoo I got off early THANK YOU CORONA🐐🦠😎”. But when I got home my mom had me driving up and down Dauphin Island Parkway running errands for her because she wanted to “chill” on her day of which was what I was trying to do but she wouldn’t let be great cause all I wanna do is chill at home and watch “Black Lightning”. I also am realizing that fast food is not for me and am currently looking for a job at Walmart, Winn Dixie, Publix, Best Buy, Chucke Cheese, Journeys, Get Air, or Altitude. Mainly any other field of work where Im not cooking food or making milkshakes so Mr. Rease if you know any places that are hiring or anyone who needs someone to work let me know.


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