3rd Quiz/Presentation

Today we presented our 3rd set of vocabulary words. We had three words and had to find 3 objects the described the word and tell why we chose the object. In the beginning I was nervous about the project and I was stressing about what objects could I use to relate to my words and so I went to Dollar Tree and was in there for a good five minutes trying to find objects to relate so I saw an easy sketch and told myself I can use this for bowdlerize cause it basically means censorship. Then I saw a ball that glows if I shake it or bounce it it have a violent change which is cataclysm. But when it came to caveat I wanted a stop or yield  sign but I seen some glow lights and had to resist my temptation of “doing the most”, but overall I had fun doing my project, presenting, and watch my classmates present. I enjoyed Keana Perkins presentation as she caused a cataclysm upon the earth.


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